The semiautomatic single use PrimoCut cannula system is a safe and efficient instrument for the biopsy of soft tissue such as the prostate gland, kidneys, liver and a variety of soft tissue tumours. Two different penetration depths of 6 mm or 15 mm can be selected depending on the desired size of the biopsy material. The cannula is permanently connected to the actuating mechanism for PrimoCut.
1. Determine the size of the biopsy material
The piston of the biopsy system is cocked all the way to the first (6 mm) or second engagement notch (15 mm) depending on the desired size of the biopsy.
2. Puncture
The inside cannula is advanced forward manually so that it will be opened for aspiration.
3. Trigger
Depressing the cocking piston will automatically slip the outer cannula over the lateral opening of the inside cannula.
4. Extraction
The tissue sample can be removed in the protected condition.